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Why do you think you're right?

The USA is making attempts to dissuade Gabon in agreeing to allow China to build a base there. 

However, China is very aggressive is construction of bases in many parts of the world, and continues to vie for base constructions in Africa.   It takes a few years between agreement and the completed construction of the base, as in the case with Djibouti.  The agreement was made in 2015, and the base opened in 2017.  However, question resolution only requires a ground-breaking ceremony. 

This seems to be an important, and recent article on the topic - 

Second Chinese Military Base In Africa Rattles The U.S.; Makes Last-Ditch Effort To Prevent Atlantic Facility – Reports


The "More Details" section states that "expansion" of bases will count as question resolution, I.e. "The expansion, conversion, or transfer of an existing port or military facility to allow for use by the People’s Liberation Army, whether for their exclusive use or dual use.

Reports that such a facility has been established or is operational, with no previous confirmation of an agreement or construction."

The author of this article believes it is likely that expansion of Chinese financed or ports built by the Chinese in African will be expanded to become dual-use ports and bases. 

"What is more likely is that China will seek to expand the existing civilian port infrastructure and build dual-use facilities in African ports that it has invested in. The dual-use basing model entails mixing access to commercial ports and a selective number of military facilities to downplay the military significance of China’s strategic port investments. According to the Chinese, 100 African ports have either been built, financed or are currently operated by Chinese state-owned shippers.

Indeed, Wang’s trip to Africa appears to have been less focused on establishing a new basing agreement and more so on signaling China’s consistent commitment to high-level engagements on the continent.


Why might you be wrong?

China may attempt to keep its port and military base expansion and construction hidden. 

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