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Dropping a bit lower. Xi seems focused on fixing China's domestic economy. And that won't happen overnight. IMHO.


FTA: The meeting also called for the stabilisation of China’s property sector to prevent it from further slumping and to ensure necessary fiscal expenditures.

This came after financial authorities rolled out a raft of stimulus measures on Tuesday, amid rising calls for the authorities to step up efforts to reverse weakening economic momentum.

“The message is strong and intends to rekindle confidence and shore up expectations,” Li Xuenan, a finance professor at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing, said after the meeting.

“Beijing is anxious to prevent downward risks from becoming self-fulfilling.”

Julian Evans-Pritchard, head of China economics at London-based Capital Economics, said the meeting served to acknowledge that new problems have emerged in China’s economy, while also answering calls for additional policies to address them.

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