SPECIAL NOTICE: INFER is now the RAND Forecasting Initiative (RFI). Learn more about RFI.

Preview: INFER Forecaster Training Program

The INFER Forecaster Training Program designed by our partners at Pytho seeks to improve forecaster's critical thinking and reasoning skills. The program will also provide a mechanism for participants to attain status as they advance through the coursework.

The training, currently under development, is split into four levels. Achieving each level will require a combination of training, practice, and at the higher levels, forecasting accuracy. The first two levels can be completed at your own pace and all training will likely be open source and online. At the higher levels, you will likely need to take part in a live experience that will be offered periodically. Any practice or performance will be tracked on the INFER platform and you will soon see the level you're at on your profile, which can then be shared with others.

Here is the program:

Level Learning Modules
1 Simple Bias Test
Powered by
Power of 10 Digital Hygiene Reasoning Fundamentals Basic Knowledge Quiz 1 Basic Knowledge Quiz 2
2 Do You Know What You Think You Know? Do You See Patters in Numbers? Do You Read Emotions Well? Do You Keep Track of News? Do You Recognize Biases New Scale
3 OSINT Level 1
Powered by
Base Rates Probabilistic Estimation Forecasting & Prediction Structured Analysis Discrimination
4 OSINT Level 2 From Predictions to Decisions Applied Predictive Reasoning Human-Machine Hybridized Thinking Detection & Detail Discrimination 2

Over time, we will release modules from this curriculum, starting off with the first module of Level 1 on Bias which will be released in October.

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