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New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

I am continuing to maintain my prediction of 2%, though there have been some developments of NATO support to Ukraine in the media (Zelenskiy and Italian prime minister held a conference about security cooperation and a visit to Kyiv from the US House of Reps Committee on Foreign Affairs), there has not been any sign of direct response to this in the form of any increased aggression from Russia.


Inside view: Discussion with classmates brought the new consideration to mind that the number 25 indicates a deliberate attack, which would require a direct NATO/Russia violent conflict, which both countries want to avoid (https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/115204.htm). However, discussion of weapons sales and Ukraine EU membership are continuing to build, which could motivate Russia to become more aggressive, resulting in deliberate attack on NATO troops in NATO territory. For this reason, I am giving a baseline of 2% likelihood of a deliberate attack in NATO territory (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/1/19/a-whole-new-level-of-war-if-nato-arms-ukraine-russia-warns).

It is as low as 2% because, as of today, there have only been 2 deaths in NATO territories due to the War in Ukraine, which was later attributed to Ukrainian air-defense missiles. Therefore, to date there has not been any fatalities involving Russian security forces. The current level of military aggression/offensive operation of Russia in Ukraine has not been significantly escalating, therefore it is unlikely that a number as high as 25 deaths would occur in the next 60 days.

Why might you be wrong?

After consulting with my classmate, she mentioned that there could be other ways that the deaths could happen other than a direct military attack. She sent me an article about cyber attacks being high risk to hospitals - where deaths could be caused by cyber attacks. I also found this article that cyberattacks have tripled in NATO nations in 2022 (https://breakingdefense.com/2023/02/russian-phishing-attacks-flooded-ukraine-tripled-against-nato-nations-in-2022-report/). If cyber attacks become even more fatally targeted, this could result in over 25 deaths before this month. However, we do not have reason to believe at the moment that Russia would increase attacks in this manner so I am not changing my forecast. 

Recent Kyiv visits by Italian prime minister and US representatives could aggregate to a point where Russia perceives and increased threat and it motivated to act aggressively/attach NATO territory. Currently, however, I do not perceive and uptick in NATO support that would prompt any reaction from Russia at a scale that we have not yet seen. So I am keeping my prediction at 2%.


Outside view: There could be a chance of over 25 fatalities occurring due to the increase in US troops in NATO territories (primarily Poland), which could indicate an over all higher presence of activated troops in NATO countries near Russia and Ukraine. The higher number could induce a reaction of escalation from Russia resulting in deliberate attacks or it could also mean a higher likelihood of unintentional deaths along Poland's border or elsewhere from arrant munitions. (https://www.gov.pl/web/national-defence/increasing-the-us-military-presence-in-poland)

Also, the Russian military operation in Ukraine were predicted to decline in the winter due to the weather. That being said, it could be the case that Russia ramps up operations significantly as the weather warms, which could include expansion of operations into NATO territory. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/12/us/politics/winter-ukraine-russia-war.html

New Prediction
made their 7th forecast (view all):
0% (0%)
Less than 200
97% (0%)
More than or equal to 200 but less than 400
3% (0%)
More than or equal to 400 but less than 600
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 600 but less than 800
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 800 but less than 1000
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 1000
Why do you think you're right?

In addition to my previous justifications, I would like to add a new outside view. According to the book "Boston Riots", poverty, unemployment, and poor living conditions are also main causes of riots and protests. I was previously only looking at it from a political view. Sandeep also brought a similar point up in class. However, Russia has been able to avoid the worst of the predicted economic impact of UN sanctions, and their economy has not contracted as much as expected (https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/russias-2022-economic-anomaly). That being the case, I am still confident in my prediction that there is only 3% likelihood of more than 400 riots or protests occuring.


Inside view: it is unlikely that protests will spike over the current historical peak of 203 within the given timeframe because we see that protests in the months after April 2022 were significantly lower. The second highest month, Sept, still only saw 141 protests and riots, but most months were much lower with the lowest month, Dec, only seeing 17 protests.

According to the same data set with a slightly adjusted timeframe, Russia has had a total of 438 events from March 2022 to today. These totals further support that it is unlikely that a single month will have over 400 protest events.

Another reason we will likely not see a spike in protest events over 400 is the protest suppression employee by Russian security forces. Protests have been declining on average (non-linear) since April 1 2022 and will likely continue to do so (https://www.voanews.com/a/russia-mobilization-protests-arrests/6757592.html)

Another reason we will likely not see a spike over 400 is that there are less Russians - migration out of Russia, especially since Putin's announcement of mobilization, has increased. Numbers as high as 700,000 fleeing the country have been reported (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/where-have-russians-been-fleeing-since-mobilisation-began-2022-10-06/).With that being said, some of the most vocal opponents of the war who may take up their pickets to protest are no longer in the country.

Outside view: a team mate did suggest that I look outside of Russia for trends on large-scale rioting, specifically in Autocratic countries. The impact of the COVID zero-tolerance policy riots in China are examples of this happening recently. Iran also saw public outrage against government policies which resulted in 3 straight months (sept - nov) of more that 400 protests and riot events. Even though these numbers don't take into account the ratio of populations, it shows that these events can happen on an unprecedented large scale, even in countries that have harsh repercussions for protests/riots.

A classmate also brought up the impact of the year anniversary. It could be the case that large scale protests and riots are ignited at the year anniversary, which may see a spike in riots, possibly over the current highest month. For this reason I have subtracted 3% from my base rate and added it to the 400-600 events category.

Why might you be wrong?

I have not changed my percentages, but I would like to take into account in case it aggregates to a shift in my forecast later on that the flower protests that classmates mentioned could evolve and ACLED may consider them in their count. The protests have already sprung up in multiple cities - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/23/world/europe/moscow-flowers-protest-ukraine-war-dnipro.html

Additionally, I found an article from 2022 that discussed how Russian journalists are being stifled from reporting accurate protests numbers. It could be the case that if Putin loses his control over the media as he hyperfocuses on war efforts, reporting may become more accurate and ACLED may start reporting higher numbers (https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/russia-journalists-and-independent-monitors-being-silenced-to-stifle-reporting-of-protests-new-report/). 


As the economic and political situation in Russia becomes more strained or more resources are. put into the war of aggression in Ukraine and drain from domestic security forces, it could be the case that it motivates an unprecedented amount of protests and riots, which my 3% of 400-600 events would not account for.

outside view supporting this: Unprecedented large-scale protests have happened historically in other countries when there is significant political protests related to war opposition or demanding change. Examples of this could include Vietnam protests in the US, Chinese protests/riots in 1980s against the communist regime, or protests in England and the US during the war in Iraq. 

New Prediction
made their 8th forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Mar 22, 2023 03:52PM
Forecast Window
4% (+1%)
Feb 22, 2023 to Mar 22, 2023
Why do you think you're right?

I have lowered my rate to 4% (+1%) based on a new article I found that said that Putin's lowest approval rating was 61% (linked below), this would make it only an 11% drop in his most recent historical low and the previous 20% I was factoring in previously, so I have gone up to 4% probability.  

Inside view: Due to the fact that Putin's approval rating has not dropped below 50% since 1999 (https://www.statista.com/statistics/896181/putin-approval-rating-russia/) my base rate is 0%.

According to this statista data, Putin's current approval rating is 80%. The lowest it has gone down during the war in September 2022 at 77% according to a Newsweek article - https://www.newsweek.com/putin-approval-ratings-suffer-first-fall-since-start-ukraine-war-russia-1747743. But I did find an article that mentioned an approval rate as low as 61% in summer 2021 (https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/vladimir-putin-home). Therefore, Putin's approval rating continuing to drop as domestic situation in Russia becomes more strained would be possible. For this reason, I have added 2% probability to my baseline of 0% due to the history of his approval rate dropping in response to a negative stimulus.

The risk of an approval drop could increase if the war is lost in Ukraine, but Putin has never lost a military engagement, so the likelihood of his loss is low in terms of historical data, which means the likelihood of a dramatic drop in approval rating due to a defeat is low. (https://www.newsweek.com/2022/03/11/putin-has-never-lost-war-here-how-hell-win-ukraine-1682878.html).

In conclusion for the inside view, the approval rating is not in a linear decline because of the war (though it did see some decline), and a month is a short timeframe for approval to fall 30% (from the current 80% to 50%).

Outside view: It is still only a 3% probability because I am considering that the war is unlikely to end in the next months, and wartime approval rating of country leaders tend to trend upward (https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2020/jan/04/trump-iran-suleimani-president-approval-ratings).

It has also been seen by other wealthy, populous countries in the world that the approval rating of a leader dips below 50%, for example many US presidents historically. However, this is not necessarily a transferable situation to Russia today so I am not giving it much weight in my prediction.

Why might you be wrong?

Outside view: This article shows that at least 14 developed countries, including the US, have leaders with approval ratings below 50% (https://morningconsult.com/global-leader-approval/). These states are not necessarily analogous to Putin's autocratic government, but is shows how common this kind of approval is globally.  This information alone is not enough to change my prediction, but it could be aggregated with other data and result in a higher percentage likelihood later on. 

old: The likelihood could be higher than 3% if Russia loses the war and Putin's defeat brings unprecedented low approval ratings.

The validity of approval rating reporting also calls into question the forecast accuracy. Due to the state control of the media, it is hard to confidently know the true approval rating of Putin by the Russian people. It may be the case that the accurate feelings of his citizens are much lower than the reports say, in which case my 3% likelihood would be misinformed. 

New Prediction
made their 7th forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Mar 22, 2023 06:08AM
Forecast Window
3% (0%)
Feb 22, 2023 to Mar 22, 2023
Why do you think you're right?

I have not changed my forecasted percentage this week, and I am focusing on thinking outside of my confirmation bias so I am purposefully not adding to this category to challenge myself. 

Old: I have lowered my forecast probability (-2%) due to gaining further insight on the significance of each percentage. This 3% percentage confidence is standardized with my other 3% confidence levels in other forecasts.

Inside view: Due to the fact that Putin's approval rating has not dropped below 50% since 1999 (https://www.statista.com/statistics/896181/putin-approval-rating-russia/) my base rate is 0%.

According to this statista data, Putin's current approval rating is 80%. The lowest it has gone down during the war in September 2022 at 77% according to a Newsweek article - https://www.newsweek.com/putin-approval-ratings-suffer-first-fall-since-start-ukraine-war-russia-1747743. Therefore, Putin's approval rating continuing to drop as domestic situation in Russia becomes more strained would be possible. For this reason, I have added 3% probability to my baseline of 0% due to the history of his approval rate dropping in response to a negative stimulus.

The risk of an approval drop could increase if the war is lost in Ukraine, but Putin has never lost a military engagement, so the likelihood of his loss is low in terms of historical data, which means the likelihood of a dramatic drop in approval rating due to a defeat is low. (https://www.newsweek.com/2022/03/11/putin-has-never-lost-war-here-how-hell-win-ukraine-1682878.html).

In conclusion for the inside view, the approval rating is not in a linear decline because of the war (though it did see some decline), and a month is a short timeframe for approval to fall 30% (from the current 80% to 50%).

Outside view: It is still only a 3% probability because I am considering that the war is unlikely to end in the next months, and wartime approval rating of country leaders tend to trend upward (https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2020/jan/04/trump-iran-suleimani-president-approval-ratings).

It has also been seen by other wealthy, populous countries in the world that the approval rating of a leader dips below 50%, for example many US presidents historically. However, this is not necessarily a transferable situation to Russia today so I am not giving it much weight in my prediction.

Why might you be wrong?

This week, I intentionally wanted to find reasons why I could be wrong to make this section more robust and root out any confirmation bias. 

I found one article reference and approval rate as low as 61% for Putin in summer 2021 (https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/vladimir-putin-home). This is the lowest I have seen referenced, and would make it only an 11% drop in his most recent historical low and the previous 20% I was factoring in. I do not think this information is strong enough alone to change a percentage, but I would like to include it incase further information is aggregated and collectively affects my prediction. 

old: The likelihood could be higher than 3% if Russia loses the war and Putin's defeat brings unprecedented low approval ratings.

The validity of approval rating reporting also calls into question the forecast accuracy. Due to the state control of the media, it is hard to confidently know the true approval rating of Putin by the Russian people. It may be the case that the accurate feelings of his citizens are much lower than the reports say, in which case my 3% likelihood would be misinformed. 

New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

I am continuing to maintain my prediction of 2%, though there have been some developments of NATO support to Ukraine in the media (Zelenskiy and Italian prime minister held a conference about security cooperation and a visit to Kyiv from the US House of Reps Committee on Foreign Affairs), there has not been any sign of direct response to this in the form of any increased aggression from Russia. 


Inside view: Discussion with classmates brought the new consideration to mind that the number 25 indicates a deliberate attack, which would require a direct NATO/Russia violent conflict, which both countries want to avoid (https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/115204.htm). However, discussion of weapons sales and Ukraine EU membership are continuing to build, which could motivate Russia to become more aggressive, resulting in deliberate attack on NATO troops in NATO territory. For this reason, I am giving a baseline of 2% likelihood of a deliberate attack in NATO territory (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/1/19/a-whole-new-level-of-war-if-nato-arms-ukraine-russia-warns).

It is as low as 2% because, as of today, there have only been 2 deaths in NATO territories due to the War in Ukraine, which was later attributed to Ukrainian air-defense missiles. Therefore, to date there has not been any fatalities involving Russian security forces. The current level of military aggression/offensive operation of Russia in Ukraine has not been significantly escalating, therefore it is unlikely that a number as high as 25 deaths would occur in the next 60 days.

Why might you be wrong?

New: Recent Kyiv visits by Italian prime minister and US representatives could aggregate to a point where Russia perceives and increased threat and it motivated to act aggressively/attach NATO territory. Currently, however, I do not perceive and uptick in NATO support that would prompt any reaction from Russia at a scale that we have not yet seen. So I am keeping my prediction at 2%.


Outside view: There could be a chance of over 25 fatalities occurring due to the increase in US troops in NATO territories (primarily Poland), which could indicate an over all higher presence of activated troops in NATO countries near Russia and Ukraine. The higher number could induce a reaction of escalation from Russia resulting in deliberate attacks or it could also mean a higher likelihood of unintentional deaths along Poland's border or elsewhere from arrant munitions. (https://www.gov.pl/web/national-defence/increasing-the-us-military-presence-in-poland)

Also, the Russian military operation in Ukraine were predicted to decline in the winter due to the weather. That being said, it could be the case that Russia ramps up operations significantly as the weather warms, which could include expansion of operations into NATO territory. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/12/us/politics/winter-ukraine-russia-war.html

New Prediction
made their 6th forecast (view all):
0% (0%)
Less than 200
97% (0%)
More than or equal to 200 but less than 400
3% (0%)
More than or equal to 400 but less than 600
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 600 but less than 800
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 800 but less than 1000
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 1000
Why do you think you're right?

In addition to my previous justifications, I would like to add a new outside view. According to the book "Boston Riots", poverty, unemployment, and poor living conditions are also main causes of riots and protests. I was previously only looking at it from a political view. Sandeep also brought a similar point up in class. However, Russia has been able to avoid the worst of the predicted economic impact of UN sanctions, and their economy has not contracted as much as expected (https://www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/russias-2022-economic-anomaly). That being the case, I am still confident in my prediction that there is only 3% likelihood of more than 400 riots or protests occuring. 


Inside view: it is unlikely that protests will spike over the current historical peak of 203 within the given timeframe because we see that protests in the months after April 2022 were significantly lower. The second highest month, Sept, still only saw 141 protests and riots, but most months were much lower with the lowest month, Dec, only seeing 17 protests.

According to the same data set with a slightly adjusted timeframe, Russia has had a total of 438 events from March 2022 to today. These totals further support that it is unlikely that a single month will have over 400 protest events.

Another reason we will likely not see a spike in protest events over 400 is the protest suppression employee by Russian security forces. Protests have been declining on average (non-linear) since April 1 2022 and will likely continue to do so (https://www.voanews.com/a/russia-mobilization-protests-arrests/6757592.html)

Another reason we will likely not see a spike over 400 is that there are less Russians - migration out of Russia, especially since Putin's announcement of mobilization, has increased. Numbers as high as 700,000 fleeing the country have been reported (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/where-have-russians-been-fleeing-since-mobilisation-began-2022-10-06/).With that being said, some of the most vocal opponents of the war who may take up their pickets to protest are no longer in the country.

Outside view: a team mate did suggest that I look outside of Russia for trends on large-scale rioting, specifically in Autocratic countries. The impact of the COVID zero-tolerance policy riots in China are examples of this happening recently. Iran also saw public outrage against government policies which resulted in 3 straight months (sept - nov) of more that 400 protests and riot events. Even though these numbers don't take into account the ratio of populations, it shows that these events can happen on an unprecedented large scale, even in countries that have harsh repercussions for protests/riots.

A classmate also brought up the impact of the year anniversary. It could be the case that large scale protests and riots are ignited at the year anniversary, which may see a spike in riots, possibly over the current highest month. For this reason I have subtracted 3% from my base rate and added it to the 400-600 events category.

Why might you be wrong?

Why might you be wrong?

I have not changed my percentages, but I would like to take into account in case it aggregates to a shift in my forecast later on that the flower protests that classmates mentioned could evolve and ACLED may consider them in their count. The protests have already sprung up in multiple cities - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/23/world/europe/moscow-flowers-protest-ukraine-war-dnipro.html


As the economic and political situation in Russia becomes more strained or more resources are. put into the war of aggression in Ukraine and drain from domestic security forces, it could be the case that it motivates an unprecedented amount of protests and riots, which my 3% of 400-600 events would not account for.

outside view supporting this: Unprecedented large-scale protests have happened historically in other countries when there is significant political protests related to war opposition or demanding change. Examples of this could include Vietnam protests in the US, Chinese protests/riots in 1980s against the communist regime, or protests in England and the US during the war in Iraq. 

New Prediction
made their 6th forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Mar 19, 2023 07:42PM
Forecast Window
3% (0%)
Feb 19, 2023 to Mar 19, 2023
Confirmed previous forecast
New Prediction
made their 5th forecast (view all):
0% (0%)
Less than 200
97% (0%)
More than or equal to 200 but less than 400
3% (0%)
More than or equal to 400 but less than 600
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 600 but less than 800
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 800 but less than 1000
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 1000
Confirmed previous forecast
New Prediction
made their 5th forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Mar 19, 2023 12:30AM
Forecast Window
3% (0%)
Feb 19, 2023 to Mar 19, 2023

Comment deleted on Feb 19, 2023 06:20PM UTC

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