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New Prediction
made their 6th forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Mar 22, 2023 03:39PM
Forecast Window
1% (0%)
Feb 22, 2023 to Mar 22, 2023
Why do you think you're right?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

I am sticking with my forecast here after discussing the question once again with my group. There remains only a remote chance of this event occurring as discussed in my original forecast this week and in prior weeks. Priya also drew our attention to a recent report that showed that many of the people who have remained in Russia since the outbreak of the war actually approve of the war, thus reinforcing the notion that public polls are unlikely to show Putin's approval rating dropping below 50% in the next month. Jay also noted that he had found research showing that few world leaders have experienced a drop in their approval ratings as significant as Putin would need to experience, reinforcing the unlikelihood of this event from an outside view perspective.

Why might you be wrong?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

One scenario where this forecast could be wrong is if new sanctions that observers anticipate the G7 to roll out at the end of February inflict much more pain on Russian society that past rounds of sanctions. Given the trends and attitudes we have seen from Russian society to date, however, it remains incredibly unlikely that these measures will lead to Putin's approval rating dropping below 50% in the next month.

New Prediction
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Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

I am modifying my forecasting up extremely slightly after discussing this question with my peers and taking into account the events of the past week. This is because we discussed additional reasons that this event remains extremely unlikely. Most notable among these was President Biden's visit to Ukraine, which demonstrated resolve from the US and NATO and likely served as a deterrent to Russian aggression against NATO—at least through 1 April 2023. I am modifying my forecast up two percentage points because I believe I overcorrected week-over-week, but this event still remains very unlikely in my view.

Why might you be wrong?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

One circumstance that we discussed where this forecast could be wrong is Putin's decision to suspend Russian participation in the New START agreement is a sign of broader escalation. However, given that Russia had already suspended inspections by US inspectors, this formal change in policy does not affect our forecast much. Any change would likely be seen over a longer time horizon, but given that we are only looking at events through 1 April 2023, this event remains very unlikely.

New Prediction
made their 6th forecast (view all):
0% (0%)
Less than 200
95% (0%)
More than or equal to 200 but less than 400
5% (0%)
More than or equal to 400 but less than 600
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 600 but less than 800
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 800 but less than 1000
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 1000
Why do you think you're right?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

After discussing this question with my group, I am keeping my forecast as is. Our discussion largely focused on additional reasons for which the protest environment in Russia is even more challenged today that it has been in the past. Specifically, there were more developments from the past week that reinforce the likelihood that the high-water mark for protests/riots will be between 200 and 400. For instance, there have been reports that the US and other G7 countries are considering a new package of sanctions against Russia. However, given the fact that much of Russian society appears to direct anger at the international community over sanctions rather than at its own political leadership, it is unlikely that these sanctions will lead to an explosion of new protests.

Why might you be wrong?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

Although it appears that Russians will direct their anger at outside forces rather than its own political leadership should new sanctions be imposed, there is the remote chance that things could reach a breaking point and the public shifts the focus of its ire. Given the many obstacles to expressing disapproval of the government publicly, however, it remains unlikely that protests will exceed the high-water mark reached in April 2022.

New Prediction
made their 5th forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Mar 20, 2023 11:16PM
Forecast Window
1% (0%)
Feb 20, 2023 to Mar 20, 2023
Why do you think you're right?

I am keeping my forecast at the same level as last week because I believe it is even more unlikely now that Putin's approval rating drops below 50% in the next month. The main reason is the news that China is considering providing military aid to Russia (as discussed for the question on fatalities in a NATO member state). If China does indeed provide military aid to Russia, then Russia is more likely to perform better in its military objectives against Ukraine, which would in turn put Russia in a better position and put upward pressure on Putin's approval rating domestically. 

Why might you be wrong?

If China decides not to provide military aid to Russia, then the situation in Ukraine could continue to get worse for Russia, putting downward pressure on Putin's approval rating at home. However, for all the reasons discussed in prior weeks, there is only a remote possibility of that outcome occurring.  

New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

I am adjusting my forecast down somewhat given the recent statements from US officials in the past week that China is seriously considering providing lethal aid to Russia. If this were to occur, it would likely mean that Russia would have access to more, better military hardware, potentially including precision-guided missiles, thereby making it less likely that Russia accidentally misses a target in Ukraine and hits a NATO member state killing 25 or more people. It would also mean that Russia would be less likely to escalate the war and take any action that would bring in NATO, as it would be better situated to prolong the war to its advantage. Even if China does not provide Russia with military aid, however, this outcome remains very unlikely for the reasons discussed in prior week.

Why might you be wrong?

One way this forecast could be wrong is if China pledges not to provide military aid to Russia in response to the pressure campaign from the United States and Russia continues to attack Ukraine with worse and worse weapon systems. In this situation, Russia could accidentally hit a NATO member and kill 25 or more people. That said, this remains very unlikely.

New Prediction
made their 5th forecast (view all):
0% (0%)
Less than 200
95% (+2%)
More than or equal to 200 but less than 400
5% (-2%)
More than or equal to 400 but less than 600
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 600 but less than 800
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 800 but less than 1000
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 1000
Why do you think you're right?
Taking into account developments from the past week, I am adjusting my forecast slightly to increase the probability of the highest number of ACLED recorded protests/riots will be more than or equal to 200 but less than 400. The main reason is the degree of repression that Putin has overseen since the start of the war, which was recently described in detail in this piece in the Financial Times. This piece makes clear just how difficult it is to express disapproval of the government publicly. Additionally, it also appears likely that Putin will be more aggressive about cracking down on dissent as we approach the anniversary of the start of the war. These factors, together with the other reasons I've described in past weeks, lead me to believe that there is only a remote chance that the number of protests/riots exceeds 400 before 1 April 2023. 
Why might you be wrong?

On top of the reasons I outlined in prior weeks, one way I could be wrong and the number of protests/riots could exceed 400 could be if US support for Ukraine wanes and Russian citizens, who were relying on the United States to help Ukraine defeat Russian forces, decide to take matters into their own hands and seek regime change through protest. A recent AP poll showed that support in the United States for aid to Ukraine was beginning to soften, falling below 50%. This scenario, however, remains unlikely to occur before 1 April 2023, given the pledges made by President Biden and the realities of life in Russia currently.

New Prediction
made their 4th forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Mar 15, 2023 03:30PM
Forecast Window
1% (0%)
Feb 15, 2023 to Mar 15, 2023
Why do you think you're right?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

I am sticking with my forecast here after discussing the question with my teammate. I believe there is only a remote chance of this event occurring for all the reasons I laid out in my initial forecast, particularly the West's inability to penetrate the Russian media and information environment. My teammate also noted that past trends indicate that Putin's approval rating tends to rise when Russia launches a military offensive, as NATO has recently noted is occurring. The only reason I am not forecasting a lower probability (at 0%) is given best practices around estimations.

Why might you be wrong?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

In our discussion, we talked about one scenario where this outcome could potentially occur, which was in the event that outside actors who opposed Putin and the war were able to penetrate the domestic information space and reach Russians with messaging alternative to what they received from state media. However, we both agreed that, given recent history and reporting, this would be unlikely to occur.

New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

I am revising my forecast up slightly after discussing with my teammate. We both anticipated that this event would be very unlikely to occur. My teammate made the point, however, that key allies of Putin, such as in Chechnya, have called on Putin to invade Poland, ratcheting up tensions. Additionally, he noted that media reports indicate that Russia is running out of precision-guided missiles, meaning that Russia is turning to less precise missiles, which could accidentally fly into NATO territory. Therefore, there is a small but not insignificant chance that this event could occur.

Why might you be wrong?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

At the same time, this outcome is very unlikely. In our discussion, I noted the fact that lines of communication remain open between NATO and Russia and my teammate also called out that the State Department responded to reports of a Russian missile flying over NATO member Romania (or non-NATO member Moldova).

New Prediction
made their 4th forecast (view all):
0% (0%)
Less than 200
93% (-2%)
More than or equal to 200 but less than 400
7% (+2%)
More than or equal to 400 but less than 600
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 600 but less than 800
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 800 but less than 1000
0% (0%)
More than or equal to 1000
Why do you think you're right?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

After conversing with my teammate, I am revising my original forecast slightly. We discussed and agreed that the 203 ACLED recorded protests/riots in April 2022 would continue to be the high-water mark for this statistic through 1 April 2023. We were largely in agreement in our justifications for this conclusion, especially taking into consideration events from the past week. One supporting piece of evidence that we discussed was the fact that the number of protests/riots in the ACLED database for the month of February 2023 so far was in the single digits, suggesting that there was very little chance the calendar month record would exceed the 203 protests/riots recorded in April 2022.

Why might you be wrong?

Forecast updated to account for team discussion:

In our conversation, we discussed the anti-war flower protests cropping up around Russia in recent days and weeks. We both found this to be evidence that anti-war sentiment endures in Russia, despite Putin's crackdown. Even so, there was agreement that this movement would be unlikely to result in more recorded protests/riots than that seen in April 2022. However, should the ACLED database redefine what counts as a protest, this could potentially lead to the recording of many more protests. The chances of this are still slim though, which is why I am only revising my forecast slightly.

New Prediction
made their 3rd forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Mar 12, 2023 09:43PM
Forecast Window
1% (-2%)
Feb 12, 2023 to Mar 12, 2023
Why do you think you're right?

Updated forecast taking into account events of past week:

Outside view: Putin's approval rating has not dropped below 50% since 1999, according to polling data from Statista and Levanda (an independent Russian independent, nongovernmental polling and sociological research organization). Additionally, although it dropped slightly after the announcement of mandatory military conscription in Russia, it has recovered in recent weeks and stands at 82% as of the end of January 2023.

Inside view: As discussed last week, there are many other reasons that Putin's approval rating is very unlikely to drop below 50%: many people who oppose the war have fled Russia, the state continues to control the information environment, and people don't have the ability to publicly express their disapproval. On top of these reasons, reporting in the past week shows that the West is struggling to penetrate the information space in Russia, providing further indication that Putin's approval rating is unlikely to drop.

Why might you be wrong?

Updated forecast taking into account events of past week:

One scenario where this event could occur would be if outside actors who opposed Putin and his leadership of Russia were able to successfully penetrate the domestic information space in Russia and provide a more holistic view of the war in Ukraine and Putin's leadership decisions. There are several strategies that could be employed to pierce this information bubble, as have been reported in media.

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