When will China officially recognize a winner of the U.S. presidential election?

Started Nov 11, 2020 04:45PM
Closed Nov 13, 2020 04:08PM (4 years ago)

Context. China has not yet recognized a winner of the U.S. presidential election. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman stated: "We noticed that Mr. Biden has declared election victory . . . We understand that the U.S. presidential election result will be determined following U.S. law and procedures." In 2016, President Xi Jinping congratulated President Trump on November 9, one day after the election. 

Data and resolution details. This question resolves based on popular media sources. We will consider a statement by President Xi Jingping or any other official government statement as a qualifying event.  


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Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Before November 25 32%
Between November 25 and December 22, inclusive 36%
Between December 23 and January 20, inclusive 22%
After January 20 9%

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Number of Forecasts 48
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