New question release: Monitoring trends in quantum computing

Zev Burton
Nov 1, 2022 06:19PM
INFER has launched several new questions within the AI topic area. Check out a few of our latest questions: 
By 31 December 2023, will IBM Quantum Computing offer access to a quantum computing system with 1,000 or more qubits?

Quantum computing allows computers to use the power of quantum physics to perform complex and challenging computational problems. Most of these models are based on the quantum bit, or “qubit.” As the number of qubits grows on a system, a computer becomes more powerful. At the time of this question launch, the highest qubit system available is 127 qubits, released in late 2021. However, IBM had promised back in 2020 a 1000-qubit quantum computer by 2023. INFER is predicting if this will be the case, signaling a substantial leap in computing power and future AI possibilities.

Will more U.S. patent applications mentioning both “quantum computing” and “artificial intelligence” be filed in 2023 than in 2022?

In 2017, 150 patent applications directly mentioned both quantum computing and artificial intelligence. By 2020, that number had skyrocketed to 715, but in 2022 the number of patent applications through September was barely above 200. This question helps us monitor whether the U.S. is entering a steady state of decline for patent filings of these two critical technologies at the frontier of computing innovation. One theory suggests that 2021 was the beginning of a new trend. Another view suggests that the U.S. is seeing a gradual rise in the number of patent applications in this field (2021 being an outlier).

Will Google’s Quantum AI lab publish 20 or more publications in 2023?

In May 2021, Google announced the opening of its new Quantum AI campus in Santa Barbara, California. The goal is to build a quantum computer that can accelerate solutions for some of the world’s most pressing problems, e.g., to build better batteries, create new fertilizers, and create more target medicines. As their team works through various problems and makes new discoveries toward their mission, Google publishes its work to encourage collaboration across the field of quantum computing. Just three years ago, the Quantum AI lab published that it had achieved quantum supremacy, making it a leader in the quantum AI space and a viable way of analyzing the current state of quantum artificial intelligence. This question aims to monitor the progress of this industry leader.

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