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    Date Ended Question Relative Brier Score
    Sep 26, 2023 04:00PM Will the U.S. government file an antitrust lawsuit against Apple, Amazon, or Facebook between January 20, 2021 and January 19, 2025? 0.091664
    Apr 28, 2022 04:00AM What percentage of U.S. residents will have an unfavorable view of China, as reflected in the 2022 Pew Global Attitudes Survey? -0.131134
    Mar 1, 2022 05:00AM What will total U.S. trade volume with China (imports and exports of goods) be in 2021? -0.016079
    Jan 1, 2022 12:59PM Will the United States return to compliance with the 2015 Iran nuclear deal by December 31, 2021? -0.265525
    Jan 1, 2022 05:00AM What will be the value, in dollars, of all Chinese imports of semiconductor chips in 2021? 0.083283
    Nov 16, 2021 02:24PM What will the trade-to-GDP ratio for China be in the first two quarters of 2021? -0.065093
    Nov 16, 2021 01:34PM What will the trade-to-GDP ratio for all OECD member countries be in the first two quarters of 2021? 0.045668
    Nov 16, 2021 12:53PM What percentage of O visas will go to Chinese nationals in FY 2021 (October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021)? 0.027873
    Sep 23, 2021 10:19AM What will be the value, in dollars, of U.S. exports of semiconductor chips to China in the first half of 2021? -0.119077
    Jul 30, 2021 11:11AM What will the combined revenue of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft be in the first two quarters (January 1 through June 30) of 2021? -0.082158
    Jul 1, 2021 05:32PM Will the Chinese military or other maritime security forces fire upon another country's civil or military vessel in the South China Sea between January 1 and June 30, 2021, inclusive? 0.004384
    Jun 1, 2021 06:44PM Will the Chinese People's Liberation Army invade Taiwan by May 31, 2021? -0.000099
    Apr 17, 2021 09:56PM How many postings for U.S. jobs requiring machine learning skills will be published between January 1 and March 31, 2021, inclusive? 0.038988
    Apr 10, 2021 03:56AM How many times will the Japanese Air Force respond to threats to Japan's territorial airspace by Chinese military aircraft between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021, inclusive? -0.01945
    Apr 1, 2021 04:51PM How much will the U.S. Department of Defense spend on AI research contracts between July 1 and December 31, 2020, inclusive? -0.017533
    Mar 7, 2021 09:22PM What percentage of U.S. residents will have an unfavorable view of China, as reflected in the 2021 Pew Global Attitudes Survey? -0.00919
    Feb 1, 2021 02:49PM How much new funding will facial recognition companies raise between July 1 and December 31, 2020, inclusive? -0.000907
    Feb 1, 2021 02:48PM How much funding will private U.S. tech companies raise between July 1 and December 31, 2020, inclusive? 0.045449
    Feb 1, 2021 02:47PM How much funding will U.S. tech startups raise between July 1 and December 31, 2020, inclusive? 0.17556
    Jan 4, 2021 01:58PM What will the ratio of AI publications to machine learning research job postings be for Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, combined, in 2020? -0.043619
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