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What will be the price of the Dutch TTF futures monthly contracts between March 2022 and February 2023?

Started Mar 04, 2022 07:30PM UTC
Closed Mar 01, 2023 04:59AM UTC

The imposition of substantial economic sanctions (White & Case) and the halting of Nord Stream 2’s certification (New York Times) following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have put significant strain on the relationship between the EU and Russia, its largest supplier of natural gas.  

The question will be resolved using the last “Dutch TTF Gas Futures Price” on the Intercontinental Exchange. For each futures contract, the question will be resolved based on the data available on the 15th of the month prior at 13:01 GMT. For example, the forecast for April 2022 will be resolved based on the APR22 contract price at 3/15/2022 at 13:01 GMT. The forecast for May 2022 will be resolved based on the MAY22 contract price at 4/15/2022 at 13:01 GMT.  

Question clarification
Issued on 01/24/23 03:49pm
The last day of forecasting for this question will be 28 February 2023, and the last time period (i.e., the price of APR23 futures) will resolve on 15 March 2023.
This question has ended, but is awaiting resolution by an admin.

Final Crowd Forecast
Time Period 90% chance to be above Crowd Forecast 90% chance to be below
Apr 2022 85.74 136.52 214.66
May 2022 77.29 105.06 164.46
Jun 2022 74.48 99.77 147.72
Jul 2022 70.52 88.7 111.49
Aug 2022 106.73 155.92 191.67
Sep 2022 139.97 200.15 250.18
Oct 2022 166.24 212.7 265.63
Nov 2022 121.83 159.7 234.34
Dec 2022 75.92 109.46 181.11
Jan 2023 109.03 139.47 177.42
Feb 2023 38.42 60.13 88.89
Mar 2023 30.07 53.5 68.66
Apr 2023 19.7 47.59 62.69
May 2023 19.67 47.16 59.92
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