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In 2022, will a Chinese institution have the most AI research publications ranked in the top 10%?

Started May 12, 2022 04:00PM UTC
Closed Dec 01, 2022 04:59AM UTC

Question will be resolved using Microsoft Academic Graph data from the OECD AI Policy Observatory’s data on AI research. The link will take you to the “AI Research by Institution” page. Set the following parameters for the data:  
  • Quality Rankings: Top 10% 
  • Publication Type: Research Publications 
  • Scale: Absolute Number  
See here for more information about the OECD’s methodology and the Microsoft Academic Graph data. Question will be suspended on 30 November 2022 and resolved when the OECD database is updated.   

New to AI? Check out our blog post on AI competitiveness for a list of resources to jumpstart your research. To learn more about the OECD data and how it's used by policy makers, check out this video.
This question has been suspended.
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