Which country will have published the second most "high impact" journal articles on artificial intelligence in 2022?

Started Sep 7, 2022 07:00PM
Closed Jan 1, 2023 04:59AM (2 years ago)

Question will be resolved using Elsevier (Scopus) data from the OECD’s policy observatory’s data on AI research. The link will take you to the “AI scientific publications time series by country, from Scopus” page. Set the following parameters for the data: 
  • Quality Rankings: High Impact: FWCI > 1.5
  • Indicator: Publications
  • Publication Type: Article 
  • Percentage: Unchecked 
See here for more information about the OECD’s methodology and the Elsevier (Scopus) data. Question will be closed for forecasting on 31 December 2022 and resolved in the first week of April 2023 to account for any lags in reporting.  

New to AI? Check out our blog post on AI competitiveness for a list of resources to jumpstart your research. To learn more about the OECD data and how it's used by policy makers, check out this video.
Resolution Notes

The EU had the second most "high impact" journal articles on artificial intelligence in 2022. China had the most and the US had the third most.

Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
China 2%
EU 76%
United States 20%
India 1%
None of the above 0%

Crowd Forecast Profile

Participation Level
Number of Forecasters 31
Average for questions older than 6 months: 60
Number of Forecasts 86
Average for questions older than 6 months: 228
Participants in this question vs. all forecasters average

Most Accurate

Relative Brier Score


Consensus Trend

- - - Correct answer became the crowd's highest probability answer - Sep 10, 2022 9:40AM EDT (112 days before close, question was 3% complete)
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