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How much will On Running earn in net sales from shoes in Q4 2022?

Started Oct 13, 2022 07:00PM UTC
Closed Jan 01, 2023 04:59AM UTC

Synthetic biology has the potential to play a key role in creating a circular economy where bioengineered microorganisms are used to recycle plastics and other petrochemicals. On, a Swiss running shoe company, has partnered with synthetic biology company LanzaTech to produce CleanCloud, an EVA foam for running shoes made from recycled carbon emissions rather than conventional petroleum-based EVA. EVA is one of On’s most used materials, and this partnership plays a significant role in On’s efforts to become more sustainable and develop a circular supply chain

This question will close for forecasting on 31 December 2022 and resolve using “Net sales by product” in On’s fourth quarter 2022 financial statement, which is expected to be released in March 2023. Net sales from shoes from past quarters are available below. Numbers are reported in thousands of Swiss Francs (CHF).  
  • Q2 2022: 280,621 
  • Q1 2022: 222,503 
  • Q4 2021: 179,729 
  • Q3 2021: 205,023 
  • Q2 2021: 166,840 
  • Q1 2021: 131,696 
  • Q4 2020: 120,617 
  • Q3 2020: 124,074 
Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Less than 300 million CHF 48%
More than or equal to 300 million CHF but less than 350 million CHF 47%
More than or equal to 350 million CHF 6%

Crowd Forecast Profile

Participation Level
Number of Forecasters 53
Average for questions older than 6 months: 60
Number of Forecasts 128
Average for questions older than 6 months: 219
Participants in this question vs. all forecasters average

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