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Will North Korea launch an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) on or before 31 March 2023?

Started Nov 17, 2022 08:00PM UTC
Closed Apr 01, 2023 03:59AM UTC

In March 2022, North Korea test-fired possibly its biggest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) toward the sea, according to its neighbors, raising the ante in a pressure campaign aimed at forcing the U.S. and other rivals to accept it as a nuclear power and remove crippling sanctions. The launch, which extended North Korea’s barrage of weapons tests this year, came after the U.S. and South Korean militaries said the country was preparing a flight of a new large ICBM first unveiled in October 2020 (AP).

Resolution Criteria: 
This question will be resolved using reputable news media reports (e.g., Reuters, NYTimes, AP, BBC). The success or failure of the launch itself will not affect the resolution. Satellite tests of ICBM technology will count (e.g., The Diplomat, 38 North). 

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