Will Huawei sell or announce plans to sell Open RAN equipment before 1 January 2027?
May 20, 2024 07:00PM
Closing Jan 1, 2027 05:00AM (in 2 years)
Closing Jan 1, 2027 05:00AM (in 2 years)
Open RAN is an effort to push the mobile network industry away from vendor lock-in and towards interoperability, i.e., to allow mobile networks to use equipment from multiple companies instead of having to buy a completely proprietary solution from only one vendor (Network World, Juniper Networks). Huawei, the world’s leading 5G equipment manufacturer, has expressed skepticism towards Open RAN efforts in the past (Light Reading, Strand Consult). In February 2024, Huawei dismissed speculation that plans to support Open RAN were forthcoming (Telecom TV).
Resolution Criteria:
This question will be resolved as “Yes” if Huawei sells or announces a commercial Open RAN equipment offering before 1 January 2027. Announcements about research plans or trials of Open RAN equipment will not count.