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Before 31 December 2022, will the U.S. President sign a law making unused employment based green cards from previous years available to employment based immigrants?

Started Feb 17, 2022 05:00PM UTC
Closed Jan 01, 2023 04:59AM UTC

Attracting and retaining the best Artificial Intelligence talent is a critical component of remaining at the cutting edge of AI (National Security Commission Report on Artificial Intelligence Chapter 10). A key issue in talent acquisition is immigration reform (CSET), which has been complicated by a backlog of cases that have led to thousands of employment based green cards expiring (CNN, WSJ). Legislation has been proposed which would make unused employment based green cards from 1992 onward available to employment based immigrants (See Section 60002 of the Build Better Act, JD Supra). This question will be scored as yes as long as the provisions apply to unused green cards from prior to 2019. 
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