SPECIAL NOTICE: INFER is now the RAND Forecasting Initiative (RFI). Learn more about RFI.

Sneak peek: Forecaster training program coming soon; Pros begin this week with an open-source research training

Sep 06, 2022 06:52PM UTC

The lifeblood of INFER is our forecasters. We try to support you in various ways through rewards, informal mentorship by a couple of our Pro forecasters, and invitations to live events discussing relevant forecasting topics. 

This week, we're excited to show you a sneak peek of our new Forecaster Training Program designed by our partners at Pytho, who have developed other forecasting training programs for governments and corporations globally. 

Defining this forecasting program is the first step towards building out a comprehensive training program offered by INFER, which will include a mix of online and live instruction offerings, and achievement levels that require a mix of training and practice to advance. 


As part of this new training program, Pytho has developed for us our first live training course on open source research techniques. That training is being offered to a select group of INFER Pros and casual forecasters later this week. Other courses, especially those in the first 2 levels, will start to be made available in the coming months and will all be open source from a variety of sources. 

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