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Why do you think you're right?
In the news, it is said that "Myanmar’s military government on Friday announced another six-month extension of its mandate to rule in preparation for elections it has said will be held this year, as the country enters its fifth year of crisis.
However, it did not announce an exact date for the polls." Last intention for the polls was in the same scenary and wasn´t realized
Why might you be wrong?
The military government may try to hold elections to validate its regime, even if they do not really show the will of the people of Myanmar, as has happened in other countries recently

Argentina: There are still no real signs that the government will address one of the key underlying issues behind Argentina’s economic woes – the overvalued peso. So enter into default is a higher risk. (
Bolivia: Its debt is only 35% of its GDP, so it is likely that they will pay their external debt on time

Politics in Myanmar is controlled by militars, so even if they allow an election, according to National League for Democracy (NLD) party sympathizant, it will be only "a way of trying to bring about military rule with supposed civilian approval". It is probably that militaries staged a coup like in 2020.