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New Prediction

Putin has no intention of stepping down as the president and I can see him ruling for another decade if his health serves him well.

New Prediction

Bringing a resolution on publishing only C2PA is much more likely to happen in a couple of years from now.

New Prediction

Huge companies are taking strides to label AI-generated content so I'd say there is a reasonable chance they may start labeling posts as potentially generated by AI by the beginning of the next summer.

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New Prediction

At the moment of making this prediction, there haven't been any clues suggesting that a top U.S. chemical or oil and gas company would join the BOTTLE consortium by the end of August 2023. It is an event that is much more likely to happen in the future.

New Prediction
AI-generated movies will likely become mainstream in the next couple of years but 2023 is still too early for that.
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