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Will Google’s Quantum AI lab publish 20 or more publications in 2023?

Started Sep 22, 2022 07:00PM UTC
Closed Nov 18, 2023 05:00PM UTC

This question will resolve using publications that Google Quantum AI lists on its official Research Publications page. To count publications in 2023, we will check the box for 2023 (not currently available) and count the total number of publications on 30 January 2024.  

Please note that there are many types of publications (e.g., preprints, journal articles, etc.), and while not all publications are peer-reviewed, we will count all 2023 publications available on the Google Quantum AI research publications page. 

Question clarification
Issued on 05/18/23 01:44pm
Google's Quantum AI Publications page may not be up-to-date with the most recent quantum computing publications. However, all publications currently listed on the Quantum AI Publications page are also available on the Google Research publication database by filtering on the "Quantum Computing" research area. To resolve the question, we will use whichever source (either Google's Quantum AI publications page or the Google Research publication database) has the most up to date information on 30 January 2024.
Issued on 11/17/23 05:52pm
To count towards resolution, a publication must be included in either the Google Research publication database or the Google Quantum AI Research Publications page by 30 January 2024.
Resolution Notes

Google Quantum AI's Research Publication page listed more than 20 publications for 2023 as of 18 November 2023.

Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yes 59.59%
No 40.41%

Crowd Forecast Profile

Participation Level
Number of Forecasters 110
Average for questions older than 6 months: 60
Number of Forecasts 883
Average for questions older than 6 months: 219
Participants in this question vs. all forecasters better than average

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