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Will more U.S. patent applications mentioning both “quantum computing” and “artificial intelligence” be filed in 2023 than in 2022?

Started Oct 27, 2022 07:00PM UTC
Closed Jan 01, 2024 04:59AM UTC

This question will resolve using the Patent Public Search facility offered by the US Patent and Trademark Office. The specific query that must be entered in the search box provided is below - none of the other default search settings should be changed:

("quantum computing" OR "quantum computer") AND ("AI" OR "Artificial Intelligence") AND "2023".ay.

This question will resolve using the number of patent families, as opposed to the number of results found, since multiple documents can protect the same invention.  At the time of question launch (27 October 2022), 209 patents were filed for the year.

This question will be resolved on 10 January 2024 to allow sufficient time for the system to be updated with potential patent filings at the end of 2023 (during the holiday period).

The number of relevant patents from previous years are as follows:
  • 2017: 150
  • 2018: 322
  • 2019: 692
  • 2020: 715
  • 2021: 513

Note: The patent public search website works on some browsers (such as Google Chrome) but may not work on others (such as Safari).
This question has been suspended.
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