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Forecasted Questions

Will a JCPOA participant country begin the process of imposing “snapback” sanctions on Iran by 31 December 2024?

Forecast Count:
16 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2025 05:00AM UTC
(3 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:04AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Yes 0% 1%
No 100% 99%

Will Myanmar hold national elections before 1 July 2025?

Forecast Count:
4 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jul 01, 2025 04:00AM UTC
(9 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:04AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Yes 0% 2%
No 100% 99%

Will Israel and Saudi Arabia publicly acknowledge that they are resuming the normalization process in the next six months?

Forecast Count:
12 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2025 05:00AM UTC
(3 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:04AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Forecast Window Forecast Expiration Current Consensus
Yes 0% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 0%
No 100% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 100%

Will Iran launch missiles or conduct an airstrike against U.S. forces in the next six months?

Forecast Count:
13 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2025 05:00AM UTC
(3 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:04AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Forecast Window Forecast Expiration Current Consensus
Yes 1% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 1%
No 99% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 99%

In the next six months, will the Global Protest Tracker record an anti-government protest in Iran with 10,000 or more participants lasting at least a week?

Forecast Count:
9 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2025 05:00AM UTC
(3 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:05AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Forecast Window Forecast Expiration Current Consensus
Yes 8% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 6%
No 92% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 94%

Will any listed Muslim-majority country sign an agreement establishing or normalizing diplomatic relations with Israel in the next six months?

Forecast Count:
11 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2026 05:00AM UTC
(1 year from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:05AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Forecast Window Forecast Expiration Current Consensus
Yes 0% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 0%
No 100% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 100%

Will Israel declare war on Hezbollah in the next 6 months?

Forecast Count:
10 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Sep 01, 2025 04:00AM UTC
(11 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:06AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Forecast Window Forecast Expiration Current Consensus
Yes 50% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 84%
No 50% Sep 22, 2024 to Mar 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 16%

Will Israel declare war on Hezbollah in the next 12 months?

Forecast Count:
10 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Sep 01, 2025 04:00AM UTC
(11 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:06AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Forecast Window Forecast Expiration Current Consensus
Yes 45% Sep 22, 2024 to Sep 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 87%
No 55% Sep 22, 2024 to Sep 22, 2025 Oct 22, 2024 13%

Will Iran be at war with another country in the next year?

Forecast Count:
12 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2026 05:00AM UTC
(1 year from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:06AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Forecast Window Forecast Expiration Current Consensus
Yes 9% Sep 22, 2024 to Sep 22, 2025 Dec 22, 2024 8%
No 91% Sep 22, 2024 to Sep 22, 2025 Dec 22, 2024 92%

Which of the following territorial developments between Venezuela and Guyana will occur before 1 August 2025?

Forecast Count:
3 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Aug 01, 2025 04:00AM UTC
(10 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 22, 2024 01:07AM UTC
(9 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Venezuela conducts a ground invasion of Guyana 5% 3%
Venezuela attacks offshore Guyanese oil wells 10% 4%
Venezuela relinquishes its claim on Essequibo 0% 1%
Guyana agrees to cede some or all of Essequibo 0% 1%
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