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Star Commenter - Dec 2024

Earned for making 5+ comments in a month (rationales not included).
New Prediction
made their 1st forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Jan 31, 2025 07:01PM
Forecast Window
Dec 31, 2024 to Jun 30, 2025
Dec 31, 2024 to Jun 30, 2025
Why do you think you're right?

(1) Resources - it's unclear how the DPRK would balance preparing for a nuclear test vs its current support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine - on top of the other usual budgetary pull factors that any functioning state has to reckon with.

(2) Uncertainty around ROK and US responses - particularly given the recent impeachment and the incoming Trump administration.

The timeframe of the question is key here. If we're looking beyond June 2025, the picture could be a little different, especially once the DPRK is able to capitalize on its support of Russia in Ukraine.

Why might you be wrong?

(1) The DPRK could gain access to Russian testing facilities in return for its support in Ukraine. There are already some signals that things are headed this way due to an apparent shift in Russia's stance at the UN regarding the disarmament of the DPRK: https://www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/us-alarmed-russia-close-to-accepting-nuclear-armed-north-korea

(2) The DPRK has the capability to conduct a 7th nuclear test - the question of when it happens could therefore be driven more by politics than resource constraints.


New Prediction
made their 6th forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Jan 31, 2025 06:39PM
Forecast Window
0% (0%)
Dec 31, 2024 to Jun 30, 2025
100% (0%)
Dec 31, 2024 to Jun 30, 2025
Why do you think you're right?

Maintaining my forecast.

Some interesting developments in the past month:

(1) A DoD report argues that a Taiwan invasion is not possible by 2027, citing the current state of PLA capabilities (source).

(2) A Vox piece on how an invasion of Taiwan by China might fall below the threshold of war due to the use of gray zone tactics. 

Why might you be wrong?

Plenty of uncertainties here: (1) unauthorized action by the PLA, (2) a leadership crisis in China if Xi Jinping dies unexpectedly, (3) escalation due to an accident arising from the constant proximity of deployments, (4) developments elsewhere, e.g. in the US

New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

Maintaining my forecast.

Investors were disappointed with Nvidia's Q3 results, despite revenue and earnings exceeding analysts' expectations. This is mainly due to concerns over how long current levels of growth can be sustained for.


Why might you be wrong?
New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

Maintaining my forecast, particularly given the timeframe of this question and the passage of time.

Only one interesting thing to highlight from the past month: some speculation regarding Putin's health due to observers noticing an uncontrollable twitch in his leg during a public appearance in Astana, Kazakhstan, in November 2024.


Why might you be wrong?

Putin is 72. There is still a chance that he may die unexpectedly and that is probably the main uncertainty that I am going up against in my forecast.

New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

Maintaining my forecast. The timeframe for this question is long enough that I would want to keep the 10% for "yes" without adjusting downwards for passage of time just yet.

Not much is happening on this front to suggest any shift in Huawei's well-established stance regarding adopting O-RAN.

One development that has cropped up in the past month is that Korean telcos are looking to adopt O-RAN in anticipation of a push by the incoming Trump administration.


Why might you be wrong?

Same uncertainty factors as the forecast for the other related question - (1) political pressure from the CCP on Huawei to adopt O-RAN, (2) escalation in measures by the US when the second Trump administration begins work (that force Huawei to rethink its current RAN-focused strategy.

New Prediction
made their 6th forecast (view all):
25% (0%)
Yes, 3GPP will adopt and integrate O-RAN Alliance specifications
75% (0%)
No, the O-RAN Alliance will continue to develop specifications independently of 3GPP
0% (0%)
No, the O-RAN Alliance will stop developing specifications without being integrated into 3GPP
Why do you think you're right?

Maintaining my forecast. There haven't been any major developments in the past month that suggest a need to adjust the current probabilities assigned to the different outcomes.

One thing I'm keeping an eye on is the upcoming O-RAN Alliance Summit scheduled to take place in March 2025. This Summit is expected to discuss "the future evolution of 3GPP and O-RAN Alliance architectures towards 6G" (source).

Why might you be wrong?

As the timeline for this question stretches up to 2027, there is a possibility that things will evolve in 2025 and 2026 once 6G standards are closer to being finalized. The expected timeline for a 6G standard is 2028 (source).

New Prediction
Why do you think you're right?

Adjusting the probability of my forecast downwards by 2%, mainly to reflect the passage of time and lack of any major developments that point to Huawei engaging in collaboration with the O-RAN Alliance within the question's timeframe.

Why might you be wrong?

A few uncertainties to consider: (1) political pressure from the CCP on Huawei to adopt O-RAN, (2) escalation in measures by the US when the second Trump administration begins work (that force Huawei to rethink its current RAN-focused strategy).

New Prediction
made their 7th forecast (view all):
1% (0%)
99% (0%)
Why do you think you're right?

Maintaining my forecast.

Myanmar's junta has concluded the census that it had said was a precondition for holding elections next year. However, the challenges that the junta has faced in conducting the census throughout the country underscores the fact that it does not exercise complete control over more than half of Myanmar's territory.


There is still no clarity on when the election will be held, and plenty of questions regarding its validity given the junta's dissolution of opposition parties.



Why might you be wrong?

The key issue here is "national" - the criteria for this question's resolution actually supports an election held by the junta only in the areas that it controls.

A major uncertainty is whether the ongoing hostilities may tip in favor of rebel groups and lead to a situation where the junta loses control over more territory.

New Prediction
made their 10th forecast (view all):
This forecast expired on Jan 31, 2025 02:45PM
Forecast Window
0% (0%)
Dec 31, 2024 to Jun 30, 2025
100% (0%)
Dec 31, 2024 to Jun 30, 2025
Why do you think you're right?

Maintaining my forecast.

The main mover among Muslim-majority countries on normalization has been Saudi Arabia, and there is a very low likelihood of Saudi Arabia going ahead with a normalization deal given the ongoing conflict in Gaza and other considerations such as the condition around the creation of a Palestinian state.

Why might you be wrong?

The main factor here would be the end of hostilities between Israel and Hamas. However, all available evidence at this point suggests that Israel has no intention of letting up until it has completely wiped out Hamas


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