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Abidemi Adebamiwa
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Forecasted Questions

On 31 May 2025, will Nvidia be the world’s most valuable company by market cap?

Forecast Count:
3 Forecasts
Question Ends:
May 03, 2025 04:00AM UTC
(7 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Aug 31, 2024 10:32PM UTC
(1 month ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Yes 16% 11%
No 84% 89%

Will Russia initiate a major ground offensive to attack the following Ukrainian cities before 31 December 2024?

Forecast Count:
5 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2025 05:00AM UTC
(3 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Aug 31, 2024 10:34PM UTC
(1 month ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Kharkiv 16% 4%
Kyiv 4% 1%
Odesa 2% 1%

Will there be an agreed-upon pause in the conflict between Israel and Hamas that starts before 1 December 2024 and lasts at least 30 days?

Forecast Count:
8 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Dec 01, 2024 05:00AM UTC
(2 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 01, 2024 03:12AM UTC
(30 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Yes 60% 22%
No 40% 78%

Will the O-RAN Alliance’s specifications be integrated into 3GPP before 1 January 2027?

Forecast Count:
3 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2027 05:00AM UTC
(2 years from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 01, 2024 03:12AM UTC
(30 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Yes, 3GPP will adopt and integrate O-RAN Alliance specifications 46% 39%
No, the O-RAN Alliance will continue to develop specifications independently of 3GPP 31% 56%
No, the O-RAN Alliance will stop developing specifications without being integrated into 3GPP 23% 5%

Will Nicolás Maduro be president of Venezuela on 11 January 2025?

Forecast Count:
3 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 11, 2025 05:00AM UTC
(3 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 01, 2024 03:12AM UTC
(30 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Yes 97% 96%
No 3% 4%

Will a collaboration between Huawei and the O-RAN Alliance be announced before 1 October 2025?

Forecast Count:
3 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Oct 01, 2025 04:00AM UTC
(1 year from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 01, 2024 03:13AM UTC
(30 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Yes 12% 6%
No 88% 94%

Will Huawei sell or announce plans to sell Open RAN equipment before 1 January 2027?

Forecast Count:
3 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2027 05:00AM UTC
(2 years from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 01, 2024 03:13AM UTC
(30 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Yes 32% 25%
No 68% 75%

Will Iran launch missiles or conduct an airstrike against U.S. forces in the next six months?

Forecast Count:
3 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2025 05:00AM UTC
(3 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 01, 2024 03:13AM UTC
(30 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Forecast Window Forecast Expiration Current Consensus
Yes 1% Sep 1, 2024 to Mar 1, 2025 Oct 1, 2024 1%
No 99% Sep 1, 2024 to Mar 1, 2025 Oct 1, 2024 99%

Will the Houthi movement and Yemen reach a ceasefire that is in effect on 31 December 2024 and lasts at least six months?

Forecast Count:
3 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2025 05:00AM UTC
(3 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 01, 2024 03:13AM UTC
(30 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Current Consensus
Yes 2% 0%
No 98% 100%

Will Iran agree to limit uranium enrichment to 5% or less in the next 6 months?

Forecast Count:
11 Forecasts
Question Ends:
Jan 01, 2025 05:00AM UTC
(3 months from now)
Forecast Last Updated:
Sep 01, 2024 03:13AM UTC
(30 days ago)
Answer Your Forecast Forecast Window Forecast Expiration Current Consensus
Yes 0% Sep 1, 2024 to Mar 1, 2025 Dec 1, 2024 0%
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