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Updated for time and the delayed in Japan and Netherlands support.
Currently 6 states with only a few days remaining in February
Why do you think you're right?
Outside: No significant changes from the outside view. Given the structure of the question. Russia has already had more than 200 protests/riots in a single month but has not had more than 400. There is a chance based on other countries of doubling or tripling the monthly average, but very unlikely.
@pjp51 and @tpaci agree time is a large limiting factor in this prediction. Once one month remains for the number of protests/riots to significantly decrease.
@pjp51 reference an article showing people disagreeing with Putin/Russia are likely to leave Russia if they're capable. This would result in fewer protests/riots. https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-shadow-delegation-munich-security-conference/
@tpaci discussed a refusal by China to provide lethal aide to Russia may break the narrative that its not a Russia vs West conflict.
Why might you be wrong?
@tpaci expressed a possibility that given a decrease in US aid, Russian citizens may feel a necessity to take the future into their own hands and will protest/riot more instead of "waiting on the Americans."
Additionally, similar to the previous forecast. The bubble could pop and trends similar to Iran could appear where the number of protests/riots double or triple.