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Most Active Topics:
International Diplomacy & Conflict,
Iran: Threats & Influence,
Russia-Ukraine War
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Iran Nuclear Program,
Mission: Diplomacy
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Active Forecaster
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Israel is engaged in timely diplomacy and is at a crucial moment where in a short time it could prove to the world that it is right. To regain the trust of its allies, and to make itself recognized as legitimate..
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In the international debates on the elections in Russia, it is said to call elections that will not surprise us, since the current president of Russia accepts the re-election to promote himself in power until 2030. The opponents of Vladimir Putin, practically do not exist or are discredited, under the mobilizations of the Kremlin itself. The risks of the country's economy in the face of the economic sanctions of the international community for the country's invasion of Ukraine, have not yet made themselves felt in its economic stability in a significant way in the context of the reelection, so he becomes a favorite candidate for the presidency ensuring the reelection.
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My First Question
Active Forecaster
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Es muy difícil para Irán por sí sólo mantener una guerra. No considero que esto se lleve acabo al menos los presentes par de años, sus intereses no es mantener una guerra, pero si las tensiones, que demandan sus aliados políticos y estratégicos, mientras dura la guerra Palestino , Israelí.
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Definitely, Saudi Arabia's position is that if there is no Palestinian state, there is no relationship with Israel. This position is in Saudi Arabia's own interests. So it will seek primarily to promote this position and it will not be seen in the next few months.
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