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Date Ended Question Relative Brier Score
Nov 06, 2022 08:00PM UTC Will Russia test or use a nuclear weapon in the next month? (Scores for forecasts between Oct 6, 2022 and Nov 6, 2022) -0.004035
Nov 03, 2022 10:00PM UTC Will Vladimir Putin’s approval rating drop below 50% in the next month? (Scores for forecasts between Oct 3, 2022 and Nov 3, 2022) 0.0048
Oct 17, 2022 04:00PM UTC In the next 6 months, will the United States Government publicly cancel or deny 1 or more visas to employees of any Chinese-based company accused of committing intellectual property theft? (Scores for forecasts between Sep 17, 2022 and Oct 17, 2022) 0.0
Oct 15, 2022 01:00PM UTC What will be the price of the Dutch TTF futures monthly contracts between March 2022 and February 2023? - Nov 2022 -0.083494
Oct 03, 2022 10:00PM UTC Will Vladimir Putin’s approval rating drop below 50% in the next month? (Scores for forecasts between Sep 3, 2022 and Oct 3, 2022) 0.003913
Sep 26, 2022 04:00PM UTC Will the Brothers of Italy Party (FdI) win the most seats in the 2022 Italian general election? -0.035367
Sep 17, 2022 07:16PM UTC What will be the price of the Dutch TTF futures monthly contracts between March 2022 and February 2023? - Oct 2022 -0.001926
Sep 03, 2022 10:00PM UTC Will Vladimir Putin’s approval rating drop below 50% in the next month? (Scores for forecasts between Aug 3, 2022 and Sep 3, 2022) 0.0
Aug 15, 2022 01:00PM UTC What will be the price of the Dutch TTF futures monthly contracts between March 2022 and February 2023? - Sep 2022 0.035317
Aug 09, 2022 08:00PM UTC Will the U.S. President sign legislation which appropriates funds for the Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program during FY'22? -0.003682
Aug 03, 2022 10:00PM UTC Will Vladimir Putin’s approval rating drop below 50% in the next month? (Scores for forecasts between Jul 3, 2022 and Aug 3, 2022) 0.0
Aug 01, 2022 01:52PM UTC Will the Council of the European Union announce sanctions on the provision of cloud services to Russia before 31 July 2022? -0.000187
Aug 01, 2022 04:00AM UTC How will the combined annual revenue of Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft change over the next three years? - 2022 H1 -0.052552
Jul 31, 2022 04:00AM UTC Will the French data protection authority (CNIL) announce a fine against Clearview AI before 31 July 2022? -0.000516
Jul 30, 2022 04:00AM UTC Will the U.S. Senate vote on the American Innovation and Choice Online Act before 30 July 2022? -0.048926
Jul 29, 2022 01:55PM UTC How much revenue will Intel report for the second quarter of 2022? 0.00016
Jul 27, 2022 12:59PM UTC How many tech startup layoff events will be recorded in July 2022? -0.044228
Jul 23, 2022 04:18PM UTC Will the World Health Organization declare a new Public Health Emergency of International Concern between August 1, 2021 and July 31, 2022? 0.052995
Jul 23, 2022 04:17PM UTC Will the World Health Organization declare a new Public Health Emergency of International Concern in the next four quarters? (Scores for forecasts between Oct 28, 2021 and Jun 1, 2022) 0.378998
Jul 15, 2022 01:10PM UTC What will be the price of the Dutch TTF futures monthly contracts between March 2022 and February 2023? - Aug 2022 -0.008033
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