SPECIAL NOTICE: INFER is now the RAND Forecasting Initiative (RFI). Learn more about RFI.

RFI Blog

Currently viewing posts tagged with Platform Features. Click here to view all posts.

INFER's Best of 2023: Celebrating forecaster accomplishments

By: INFER Team | Jan 23, 2024 03:20PM UTC

INFER is pleased to share the Best of 2023 list, celebrating our most accurate and engaged forecasters from last season.

Introducing the INFER mobile app

By: INFER Team | May 08, 2023 07:33PM UTC

Our forecasters have been asking for a mobile app – and we are excited to share that it is now available for INFER. You will now be able to submit forecasts on critical questions to support INFER’s government stakeholders directly from our native app on a phone or tablet. 

Learning and improving our forecasts together: crowd forecast change alerts

By: INFER Team | Feb 10, 2023 03:18PM UTC

Crowd forecasting allows you to get signals about events before they happen. We're making it even easier to be alerted to important signals by introducing crowd forecast change alerts – which notify you of sudden shifts in the consensus forecast.

New features: pre-mortems and accuracy comparisons

By: Zev Burton | Jul 15, 2022 01:16PM UTC

Take a look at the development team's new features to improve your forecasting!

New feature releases: analysis tab, comment filters

By: INFER Team | Feb 18, 2022 10:51PM UTC

We have recently introduced two new features on INFER to help you evaluate and use crowd forecasts and comments with greater ease and precision. Within each question page, you can now find 1) an Analysis tab and 2) comment filters.

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