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Currently viewing posts tagged with Global AI Race. Click here to view all posts.

New question release: Monitoring trends in quantum computing

By: Zev Burton | Nov 01, 2022 06:19PM UTC

INFER launched new questions asking about advancements in quantum computing as part of the Global AI Race topic. This post explains why we chose those questions and what the answers suggest about the future direction of AI.

Topic brief: The global AI race

By: Zev Burton | Jul 07, 2022 07:08PM UTC

An introduction to the global artificial intelligence (AI) competition as a starting point for your forecasting.

New question release: AI patents in U.S. and China, and AI scientific publications in the EU

By: Zev Burton | Jun 13, 2022 05:08PM UTC

This week, we released questions on AI patent development and scientific publications.

New question release: AI “high impact” projects, publications, and skills

By: Zev Burton | Jun 01, 2022 07:16PM UTC

In this batch of new questions, users can forecast about high-impact AI projects, AI publications, and AI skills penetration.

New question release: AI patents, skill demand, and Chinese publications

By: INFER Team | May 13, 2022 08:42PM UTC

This week's new question release features questions on AI related patents, domestic demand for AI skills, and Chinese research output.

Who is winning the AI race: United States, China, or someone else?

By: INFER Team | May 03, 2022 07:41PM UTC

Learn about the factors we are assessing to understand the global state of artificial intelligence and which countries we will be focusing on with our new Strategic Question: Which countries will lead AI developments in research, technology, and human capital in the coming decade? 

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