Europe is waking up to the fact that Trump's America doesn't have their backs. And they might be considered woefully unprepared to what they may face in the coming years.
FTA:Germany’s military, or Bundeswehr, is shrinking, aging and still lacks essential equipment despite a considerable increase in defense spending following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, according to a closely watched annual report on the state of the country’s armed forces.
“The situation is serious,” Eva Högl, the parliamentary commissioner for the armed forces, said Tuesday. “We are still not where we need to be and there is still much to do to improve the conditions for the Bundeswehr.”
Perhaps the Bundeswehr’s greatest problem is its inability to grow despite a concerted recruitment push meant to grow the force to 203,000 troops by 2031. Instead, the Bundeswehr is falling further behind, shrinking by 340 troops to 181,174 at the end of 2024. The force is also getting older to due a lack of young recruits, with the average age rising to 34.
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Moving down a few points. I am thinking Xi will wait awhile and see what happens with Trump and Putin. "Small and Beautiful" doesn't sound like a military base to me.
But Chinese lending to the continent peaked in 2016, with Beijing pivoting away from large sovereign-backed infrastructure projects to taking equity stakes in projects it then operates. Among recent examples are the state-owned China Harbor Engineering Company taking a minor share in Nigeria’s Lekki Port, and the China Road and Bridge Corporation’s three-decade concession of Kenya’s Nairobi Expressway.
“Small and beautiful” has become an official BRI phrase, with projects like the Tazara now typically financed with smaller public-private partnership loans, rather than through policy banks, and then run as concessions.
“China is ready to . . . implement 1,000 ‘small and beautiful’ livelihood projects,” President Xi Jinping said at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing in September, when he signed the memorandum of understanding with Zambia and Tanzania to upgrade the Tazara. Officials in Zambia and Washington told the Financial Times the deal could close as soon as this month. China’s foreign and commerce ministries did not comment.
Why might you be wrong?
Hard to read Xi's mind, so I could be wrong:)